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                 u/fmash16's page

TryHackMe - Year of the Rabbit - Writeup

Initial Foothold

Nmap scan

nmap -sC -sV -sS -oN nmap.out

Open ports: > 21 - vsftpd 3.0.2 > 22 - ssh > 80 - httpd

Port 80

We got a default apache2 webpage at port 80

Fuzzing the url with gobuster shows a folder /assets

We have a look at the css file and fine something interesting

We find a php file at / Going to the page pops up an alert to turn of javascript and redirects to a youtube page for the song found in RickRolled.mp4

It says that the hint is in the video.

We intercept the request to this url using burpsuite and look at the http response.

We find a hidden directory here. Going to the hidden directory, we get the following page:

We got a hot=babe.png picture:

Steg image

We download the picture to our local machine and take a look at it using exiftool

exiftool Hot_Babe.png

It shows us that the picture has some trailing data after PNG IEND chunk. We have a look at the data using

strings Hot_Babe.png

So the ftp username is “ftpuser”

ftp login bruteforce with hydra

And we get a list of possible passwords. So we can bruteforce the password using hydra.

hydra -l ftpuser -P wordlist.txt ftp://$ip

And we get a hit.

Creds found: > ftpuser : 5iez1wGXKfPKQ

We login to the ftp using the obtained creds.

## Privilege Escalation : User-eli

Brainfuck programming language

Logging in to the ftp, we find a text file named Eli’s_Creds.txt. We download the file to our local machin using get, and have a look at it.

Seems to be some sort of encoded text. Searching on google, we find that the text is actually a progamming language called Brainfuck

We use this site : to interpret our code. Running the code , we get :

Creds found: > User: eli > Password: DSpDiM1wAEwid

We use the password to login to ssh as user eli and succeed.

In the /home directory, we find another user “gwendoline”, whose home directory contains the “user.txt” file. So we have to escalate our privileges to user gwendoline.

Privilege Escalation : User-gwandoline

Checking a bit, we see that on ssh login of eli, we get a message from root to user gwendoline

We try to locate the “s3cr3t” location and find it in /usr/games. We cat out the file and get the password for the user gwendolne

Creds found : > gwendoline : MniVCQVhQHUNI

Now we su to user gwendoline and read out the user.txt file

Privilege Escalation : Root

Running sudo -l shows us

So, we can run sudo /usr/bin/vi /home/gwendoline/user.txt as ALL users but not root. This (ALL, !root) sudo permission is a known sudo vulnerability with CVE-2019-14287. The exploit is found here.

So we run the following command:

sudo -u#-1 /usr/bin/vi /home/gwendoline/user.txt

And we get our vim editor running as root. Now to get a root shell, we go over to gtfobins and follow the instructions to get a root shell and read our flag from root.txt file.

:set shell=/bin/sh

Extra findings

suid3num.py found us some interesting SUID files:

[~] Custom SUID Binaries (Interesting Stuff)

Looking for suid files, we got:

# find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null